Friday, April 3, 2015

Soooo much happened!

Halli - Hallo!!

Ich hatte einfach mal gar keine Zeit im letzten Monat einen Blog Eintrag zu schreiben. Es tut mir leid, aber ich war so beschäftigt mit Musical, Track und Freunden, dass ich einfach nicht dazu gekommen bin.

Musical war einfach nur der hammer! Nach den ersten Wochen waren wir sehr, sehr hinter unserem Plan. Die Choreoprahien waren schrecklich und das Singen hat auch nicht so geklappt. Ich hatte keine Zeit etwas anderes zu machen als Schule, Track und Musical. Morgens in der Schule, danach Track von 4 bis 6 und dann Musical von 6 bis 9 oder 10. In the last week of musical we came really really far. We had longer pratices and everybody finally understood how important it is to be quiet backstage. We then had 5 performances. Two on the same day for the middle schoolers and 3 on the weekend for the public. It was so much fun! On the weekend we also had cast parties after every show. We played cards, Cards of Humanity, and Football, and so much more. Then musical was over and I really didn't know what to do with my time at night. I miss it a lot!
But now i can totally concentrate on Track. Unfortunately my foot hurts and doing high jump is very painful. So I decided not to do high jump for a couple days.
I had my first away track meet. It was really cold. About 6°C. I had warm clothes though and it warmed up during the day. I ran the 400m and the 200m. The 400m is one of the worst races you can run because its a sprint but it's not a really short distance. I did very well on the first 300m. I was about to win in my heat but then I fell. It didn't really hurt, I guess because I had so much adrenalin. I got up and finished with a time of 71 sec. Not good but I didn't get last. I got second to last... I actually still liked it. In the 200m I placed 5th with a time of 29.16sec. I also got got one of the worst sunburns I have ever had. Nobody thought about using sunscreen so early in the year so we are all sunburned.
Last week I had an JV Track Invite in Beatrice. I did long jump, the 100 and 200m. I placed 5th in the 100m and 4th in the 200m. It was fun and the 200m is definitely my favorite race.
Then I also had a Varsity meet yesterday. I was supposed to high jump but we decided not to because my legs are so sore. I ran the 400m again and... I did NOT fall! I had a time of 66.63 sec which is okay. Than I also ran the 4 by 100m relay. I was the last leg but my team mates dropped the beton in the first exchange zone. I was early sad and everybody was upset. All in all it was a really fun day. It is great to have a team with you and to hear them when they cheer for you.

Now the Easter weekend is coming up and I have 5 days school off. Tonight I am going to a birthday party and Saturday we will drive to Snyder to see the Hunke family. I have track practice on Monday and Tuesday and a meet next Friday.

I hope everybody in Germany has a great Eastern!

Toni <3

<-- Camry and I at the last Track & Field meet.